Welcome to my personal project of acquisition about the whistle of St. Vitaliano, an object from the craft tradition of the city of Catanzaro, Italy. The main objective of this project is to obtain a 3D model from a clay whistle of 16 cm, reproduction of the original object of the early twentieth century. The object is handmade, so each copy is unique in its kind, and all its imperfections and details are relative to the individual.
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To get the 3D model, i used two different technologies for capturing. One very economical and one more professional: David Scan and NextEngine scanner. The results are visible on the same website and the process is explained in detail in the sections of acquisition. It is also a good opportunity to compare two different technologies to achieve the same result by observing the differences in the acquisition of the details, in charge of the project and the reliability of the results obtained. The last step was also made a comparison between the two objects obtained through the tools provided, to obtain a qualitative comparison. From the download area, finally, you can get the original files of the project. Below there is a video summary of the work done:
I hope you enjoy my work! Have a nice navigation on this website.
Stefano Costanzo
Digital Humanities, University of Pisa